Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Well, we all know life is full of choices. Kinda cliche I know. But think about it... how many times do we all make the "safer" & "more realistic" choices over the scary unknown life altering ones?

I'm happy to say we are taking the latter. Back in February this year I was let go from my job along with a few other people. I could have stayed and found another job working for someone else, but I feel this was a perfect catalyst to get my ass out of a 'normal' monotonous life. It just didn't suit me or my partner - but it took getting fired to realize that! Funny how things work out, eh? I should probably say Thank You to my old boss :) ... the truth is that I either royally sucked at my job or they were telling me the truth when they told me that the company was just not a good fit for me and that they didn't think I was happy there. HaHa, probably both!

So, what did we do? Packed up our majorly downsized stuff and moved out of Phoenix to the Navajo Reservation in Northern Arizona.

Here's the Plan

While my man grew up out here as a kid, I did not. I had all the luxuries a city provides all my life.. like indoor plumbing. But, once my mind is made up about something - I'm going to do it.

Why not experiment with life experiences. We have this perfect opportunity to be able to live in one of the most beautiful places (like a mini-version of the Grand Canyon) rent free while learning how to build the most self-sustainable simple house possible! be continued muahh!

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